News Archive 1998

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Poacher Gored to Death by Enraged Warthogs. (31 March, 1998)
A suspected poacher was gored to death by enraged warthogs over the weekend, in what police have called an "ironic twist of fate".

Male Eagle Stolen From Pretoria Zoo. (30 March, 1998)
Thieves have again broken into one of the bird cages at the Pretoria Zoo. This time they made off with a male eagle.

Defiant MEC Gets off Lightly after Walking out on Portfolio Committee. (30 March, 1998)
Mpumalanga's chief whip, Fish Mahlalela, has decided not to institute any disciplinary action against the province's environmental affairs MEC who stormed out of a portfolio committee session last week.

R25-million Infrastructure Contract Awarded on Magugu Dam. (30 March, 1998)
The joint water commission for the trans-national Magugu Dam project awarded contracts worth R25-million for advance infrastructure last week, the Swaziland government announced recently.

Woman Dies After Driving into Kudu. (29 March, 1998)
A Gauteng woman was killed and her husband critically injured when they drove into a kudu on the N1 highway near Naboomspruit.

Tourism Critical RDP Factor, Mandela Says at Kruger Park. (27 March, 1998)
Tourism occupied a strategic place in South Africa's overall strategy for reconstruction and development, President Nelson Mandela told the centenary celebrations of the Kruger National Park in Skukuza recently.

Alleged Duck Smuggler's Trial Set for April. (27 March, 1998)
An alleged duck smuggler failed to get his confiscated bakkie returned to him in the Barberton magistrate's court and was told it would only be returned to him at the end of his trial.

International Education Centre for South Africa. (27 March, 1998)
From the 3rd to the 6th of February representatives from eleven southern African countries met at the Umgeni Valley Nature Reserve to discuss and clarify the role of the new Regional Environmental Education Programme (REEP).

Taiwanese Youth Gets Eighteen Months for Selling Elephant Tusk. (27 March, 1998)
A 19-year-old Taiwanese citizen was sentenced to 18 months in jail in the Nelspruit regional court after he tried to sell a small elephant tusk to undercover Mpumalanga Parks Board investigators in January.

Board Established to Regulate Conservation Training. (27 March, 1998)
A formalised Conservation Education and Training Board (CETB) is to be launched on behalf of nature conservation and associated industries in southern Africa in May this year.

Beleaguered MEC Storms out of Portfolio Committee Session. (27 March, 1998)
Mpumalanga's beleaguered environmental affairs MEC, David Mkhwanazi, refuses to be questioned on his motives for attempting to dilute the Mpumalanga Parks Board's autonomy through a series of amendments to its enabling Act.

Technological Advances in Crane Research. (27 January, 1998)
The latest technology is being used to track the movements of blue cranes throughout South Africa, as sophisticated satellite transmitters were recently attached to a further four blue crane chicks.

Parks Board Launches Legal Action against Mpumalanga Legislature. (26 March, 1998)
In an unprecedented step, MpumalangaÆs Parks Board (MPB) instituted legal action against the provinceÆs legislature after being informed that it would be barred from attending an environmental affairs portfolio committee session.

Lydenburg Children Pilot National River Health Project. (26 March, 1998)
School children in Lydenburg this week officially launched South Africa's first project to monitor the health of rivers as part of the National Aquatic Ecosystem Biomonitoring Programme,

Pafuri Land Claims will Aid Peace Parks Project. (26 March, 1998)
SKUKUZA û The Northern Province government would help steer a land claim in the Pafuri area of the Kruger National Park through the land claims court to allow for the creation of a cross-border peace park, said premier Ngoako Ramathlodi during Kruger National Park centenary celebrations at Skukuza.

R25m College is a Milestone in Regional Co-operation. (26 March, 1998)
PHALABORWA - A newly-opened R25-million wildlife college near Phalaborwa, which is one of only three in Africa, is a serious milestone for sub-regional co-operation.

Buy a Stake in the Action...Become a New Conservationist. (26 March, 1998)
Captains of Industry will meet in July in the Sabi Sands to bid for ownership in unique conservation programmes to be implemented throughout South Africa.

Elephant Tusks: Five Men Arrested. (26 March, 1998)
A Spoornet porter and four other men have been arrested at the Pretoria station in connection with charges of trading in elephant tusks.

Winds of Change Make Call of the Wild Accessible to All SA's People. (26 March, 1998)
On the eve of its centenary the Kruger National Park, which owes its existence and name to the vision of Transvaal president Paul Kruger, is making a concerted effort to reach out to all South Africans.

Capturing the Heart of Kruger on Film. (25 March, 1998)
Pretoria-based wildlife movie maker Fanie van der Merwe teamed up with Theuns and Heila van Rensburg of Centurion to produce a movie to mark the centenary of South Africa's - and possibly the world's - best known reserve.

Management Manual for White Rhino Owners. (25 March, 1998)
On Tuesday, 24 March, a small group of individuals gathered at Onderstepoort, Pretoria, to discuss and share a common passion - rhinos. The occasion marked the official launch of the book Rhino Ranching: A Manual For Owners of White Rhinos.

Part of Pafuri Area to be Handed Back to Rightful Owners . (24 March, 1998)
On the eve of its centenary, the Kruger National Park has returned a huge tract of land to a formerly disadvantaged community - and has gained 5 000ha of prime wilderness. The land, about 25 000ha of the Pafuri area in the northern part of Kruger, will formally be returned to its rightful owners - the Makuleke community - when a "historic" agreement is signed at the end of May.

Kruger Park Pipeline Plan Ditched. (23 March, 1998)
The controversial plan to run a 350km pipeline through the Kruger National Park has finally been ditched by the Industrial Development Corporation.

Kruger Park, the New Trailblazer. (21 March, 1998)
When the Kruger National Park celebrates its centenary with a huge party at Skukuza next week, a year of ground-breaking activity will start that will radically change the country's national parks.

Delinquent Elephants Reformed in Swazi Sanctuary. (21 March, 1998)
Read about the success story of so-called "delinquent elephants" from the Kruger National Park - how they were translocated to Mkhaya Game Reserve in Swaziland where they have settled into normal elephant life and are flourishing.

Students Invited to Go Green. (20 March, 1998)
Cathay Pacific airlines, in conjunction with Lapalala Wilderness School, is offering forty school students the chance to win a fun-packed and educational week discovering the African wilderness.

Itala Declaration. (19 March, 1998)
Staff of the Natal Parks Board and Directorate of Nature Conservation recently held a Rhino Security Group workshop in Itala Game Reserve and drew up a special declaration.

Sandton Landscape Artist in Court for Cycad Theft. (19 March, 1998)
RANDBURG - A 52-year-old Sandton landscape artist appeared in the Randburg magistrate's court on Wednesday after conservationists allegedly found two stolen cycads worth about R27 000 in his garden.

Three New Coral Species Discovered off KwaZulu-Natal Coast. (18 March, 1998)
Three new coral species, one of which is also a new genus, have been discovered off the KwaZulu-Natal coast by marine scientists at Durban's Oceanographic Research Institute (ORI).

Alleged Duck Smuggler Faces Two More Charges. (18 March, 1998)
KOMATIPOORT - A Pretoria man who allegedly attempted to smuggle 41 endangered ducks into South Africa from Mozambique eight weeks ago, appeared for the third time in the Komatipoort circuit court.

Turtles on Track. (18 March, 1998)
A unique project to track the wanderings of two loggerhead turtles in the Indian Ocean far from their KwaZulu-Natal nesting grounds began on board ship in Durban recently.

Tourism Corridor Project Plans to Alleviate Poverty. (17 March, 1998)
South Africa, Mozambique and Swaziland presented a joint ecotourism corridor project that will open up 350km of coastline and nearly 300 000 ha of game reserves in southern Africa.

Orphaned Chimpanzees Could Soon Find Sanctuary. (17 March, 1998)
A sanctuary for orphaned chimpanzees from all over southern Africa could soon be set up in the Kromdraai area on the West Rand. The sanctuary is to be established under the auspices of the Jane Goodall Institute.

Single Regional Visa Proposed for Tourists to SA, Swaziland and Mozambique. (17 March, 1998)
MBABANE (Swaziland) - A single regional visa for South Africa, Swaziland and Mozambique may be introduced to encourage cross-border tourism and ecotourism development.

Tri-national Investment Drive to Develop St Lucia, Kosi Bay. (17 March, 1998)
MBABANE (Swaziland) - A joint international tourism investment drive will be launched by Mozambique, Swaziland and South Africa during the first week of May as part of the R600-million Lubombo spatial development initiative.

Land Bank Allocates R1,5-billion for Small Farmers. (17 March, 1998)
NELSPRUIT - The Land Bank started conducting rural workshops in Mpumalanga to teach emergent farmers how to access the R1,5-billion it has allocated for loans to small farmers in the region.

Reconstruct: Emerging Farmer's Programme. (16 March, 1998)
A programme has been launched to train "emerging farmers" in the responsible use of pesticides. This is a unique project undertaken jointly by the Department of Agriculture, the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) and AVCASA, the country's Animal Health and Crop Protection Association.

Older Jumbos to Act as Role Models to Frisky Juniors. (13 March, 1998)
Two mature elephants bulls from the Kruger National Park have been relocated to the Pilanesberg Game Reserve in North West Province to teach younger bulls manners.

Putting a Stop to Elephant Sex Offences. (13 March, 1998)
While humans grapple with the ethics of the death penalty for murderers, nature will be left to put on trial and sort out young elephants that are guilty of similar offences. The release of two more mature adult elephant bulls into South Africa's Pilanesberg National Park will see to that.

Security Stepped up in Skukuza. (13 March, 1998)
All accommodation units in Skukuza restcamp in the Kruger National Park have now been fitted with locks to secure the possessions of visitors.

Poor Old Max - Now it's Herbal Infusions and Sexologists. (13 March, 1998)
Less stress and a basket of herbs could soon be on the menu for Johannesburg Zoo's most famous gorilla, Max.

Low Test Score for Max. (12 March, 1998)
Results from preliminary tests done last week show Max, Johannesburg Zoo's crime-fighting gorilla, has a low sperm count.

Pipeline Project in Kruger Park "No Longer an Option". (12 March, 1998)
The Kruger National Park will not be scarred by a pipeline carrying slurry from Phalaborwa to Maputo. Read the latest news.

Three Lions Released into Reserve. (11 March, 1998)
NELSPRUIT - Three lions were released into the Ligwalagwala Co-operative Game Reserve near Hectorspruit in Mpumalanga, four months after being confined to an electrified boma. The lions were three of five that escaped from the north of the Kruger National Park last year.

Sappi Stench to Go as Part of R100-Million Environmental Project. (9 March, 1998)
NGODWANA - The infamous rotten egg and cabbage stench emitted at Sappi's paper mill at Ngodwana in Mpumalanga could be reduced by 60 per cent by the Year 2000 as part of a
R100-million project, said environmental manager at the plant, Tony Leske.

Sasol Loses First Round of Environmental Fight. (9 March, 1998)
Round one in the ongoing legal battle between Save the Vaal Environment (Save) and Sasol went to the environmentalists. Save obtained a High Court order withdrawing Sasol's permit to strip-mine coal in the environmentally sensitive Rietspruit wetlands adjacent to the Vaal River.

SA National Parks and the Elephant Contraception Issue. (9 March, 1998)
The South African National Parks (SANP) review the elephant management policy practised in the Kruger National Park - included is an update on the widely publicised issue of elephant contraception.

Prize-winning Blind Twitcher Identifies Scores of Birds by their Songs. (6 March, 1998)
Blind bird enthusiast Rob Filmer recently lined up for one of the prizes in last year's Birding Big Day - birding event of the year when twitchers compete in teams of three or four to spot the most birds over a 24-hour period.

Mpumalanga Selected for Novel Water Monitoring Project. (5 March, 1998)
Mpumalanga Province has been selected to pilot a national programme aimed at involving schools in monitoring the health of rivers and other waterways in South Africa and so better police the countryÆs dwindling water resources.

TB-free Buffalo to be Bred into South Africa's Game Reserves. (3 March, 1998)
An ambitious scheme has been launched to counter bovine tuberculosis threatening the buffalo populations in the Hluhluwe-Umfolozi complex in KwaZulu-Natal.

Wild Dogs Give Rabies-hit Reserve a Fresh Beginning. (3 March, 1998)
Five wild dogs released into the Madikwe Game Reserve in January mark a new beginning for the historic wild dog population in the reserve, which was decimated by rabies last September.

Rhino Poachers Nabbed with Russian Assault Rifles and Ivory. (3 March, 1998)
Two men arrested in the Kruger National Park appeared in the Nelspruit Magistrate's Court recently and will face charges of illegally poaching and killing rhino, the illegal possession of ivory and the illegal possession of both AK-47 and Nagat rifles.

SPCA and State Vet Lay More Charges Against Alleged Duck Smuggler. (3 March, 1998)
More charges have been laid against a Pretoria man who allegedly attempted to smuggle 41 endangered ducks into South Africa from Mozambique last month.

It Took 100 Years, but Kruger Finally has a Black Man at the Helm. (3 March, 1998)
An exclusive interview with first black director of the Kruger National Park. This man pulls no punches and has in the first month of office made clear his plans for the park, apparently without offending anyone's sensibilities.

Cash Strapped Mpumalanga Parks Board Buys R1-million Farm. (3 March, 1998)
The Mpumalanga Parks Board has bought a R1-million farm bordering its Loskop Dam nature reserve near Middelburg, which more than doubles the current reserve's grazing area.

National Parks Probe Welcomed. (3 March, 1998)
The country's premier conservation agency - SA National Parks - has welcomed a government investigation into other conservation areas. SanParks Chief Executive Mavuso Msimang said his organisation would make a submission to the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism setting out proposals to facilitate co-operation.

It's off to Lisbon by Air for Cape Sharks. (28 February, 1998)
The Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town loaded three live ragged tooth sharks onto a flight bound for Lisbon, Portugal at the end of February this year. There they will form part of a permanent display at the Lisbon Expo T98 exhibition. These three sharks bring to seven the number of sharks shipped overseas by the Two Oceans Aquarium.

Germans Join Kruger Pipeline Fight. (27 February, 1998)
A German environmental body representing 107 organisations has thrown its support behind a South African effort to prevent a slurry pipeline from being laid across the Kruger National Park.

City Zoo's Year of Proud Achievements. (27 February, 1998)
Proof positive of Pretoria Zoo's contribution to international conservation efforts is the listing of more than 7 000 animals' life histories in a international species record system.

Main Complex at Lower Sabie Partially Destroyed by Fire. (27 February, 1998) A fire completely gutted the cafeteria, shop and reception areas at Lower Sabie restcamp in the Kruger National Park on Thursday evening.

Fish Eagle Takes Flight after Being Treated. (26 February, 1998)

Pupils' Conservation Effort Praised. (26 February, 1998)

Pumas for City Zoo. (26 February, 1998)

Conscorp Puts off Listing on the JSE. (25 February, 1998)

Probe into Future of SA Parks. (24 February, 1998)

Park Shedding Services to Generate More Cash. (24 February, 1998)

Squirrel Yahoo! is Just Nuts about the Net. (23 February, 1998)

Kruger Park Bookings Moved. (23 February, 1998)

Fighting the Invasion of Alien Plants in Kruger. (19 February, 1998)

Fragile Frontier under Threat from Ecotourism. (19 February, 1998)

Captured Hippos Sold. (19 February, 1998)

Max Man Escape: Two Cops Disciplined. (19 February, 1998)

Alternative Accommodation for Visitors during Kruger's Centenary Celebrations.
(17 February, 1998)

Better Protection for South Africa's Reptiles and Amphibians. (17 February, 1998)

EWT / Eskom Malopo Project. (17 February, 1998)

Disease-free Travel. (17 February, 1998)

Even Walking on the Tame Side has its Merits. (17 February, 1998)

New Waterberg Lions Make First Kill. (17 February, 1998)

Spread your Wings and Come Cry with Me. (16 February, 1998)

First Public Meeting on St Lucia Planning Held. (16 February, 1998)

Unexploded shells "May Pose Threat to Tourists". (13 February, 1998)

IanÆs Brush with Hippos a Dam Close Call. (13 February, 1998)

Bigger Better Bugs! (13 February, 1998)

Commercial Oyster Gathering Under Way. (11 February, 1998)

Toxic Tide Warning. (11 February, 1998)

Mining in Madimbo - Again? (10 February, 1998)

KwaZulu-Natal Sea-turtle Nesting Record. (9 February, 1998)

Artificial Insemination Performed on Cheetahs. (9 February, 1998)

Natal Parks Board Halts Sale of Discount Entry Tickets. (9 February, 1998)

Artificial Insemination on Cheetah a First for Africa. (6 February, 1998)

Young Scientists Benefit from Fisheries Course. (5 February, 1998)

Illegal Possession of Parrots: Man Charged. (4 February, 1998)

City Man Appears in Court on Duck Smuggling Counts. (4 February, 1998)

Skukuza to Close for Kruger 100-Year Festivities. (4 February, 1998)

Progress in Settling Augrabies Land Claim. (2 February, 1998)

R182 000 Paid to Hunt Aged Rhino. (3 February, 1998)

NPB Community Levy Begins. (2 February, 1998)

Opportunities in Community Game Reserve. (2 February, 1998)

Will the Earth Need Dialysis? (2 February, 1998)

Forward to a Green Military. (2 February, 1998)

Max Needed to Patrol Zoos and Stop Thefts. (2 February, 1998)

Joint Funding Initiative to Market SA Abroad. (31 January, 1998)

Nine New Lions. (31 January, 1998)

The Green Trust Environment Awards '97 / '98 - A Call for Nominations. (29 January, 1998)

Madagascan Ground Boas Stolen - an Urgent Call for Help. (29 January, 1998)

Plan to Kill Tuskers Halted after Outcry. (28 January, 1998)

Tourism Slump Puts Squeeze on Kenyan Camps. (28 January, 1998)

MozambiqueÆs Forests are Disappearing. (27 January, 1998)

Elephant Meat on Sale to Bordering Communities. (27 January, 1998)

Red Panda Cub Dies. (26 January, 1998)

Historic Tusk to go on Display in US. (26 January, 1998)

Visitors a Major Threat to Caves. (26 January, 1998)

Kruger Lions Have TB. (26 January, 1998)

No More Millionaires, Please. (25 January, 1998)

WildNet Africa Wins Electronic Press Award. (22 January, 1998)

US Grant Secures Southern AfricaÆs Biodiversity Expertise and Training. (22 January, 1998)

Accountant Appointed to Top National Parks Post. (22 January, 1998)

Wanted: Zoo Educationists. (22 January, 1998)

Lions Take to Trees in Face of Flooding. (21 January, 1998)

Bid to Save Blyde River Canyon from Aliens. (21 January, 1998)

Man Held after Ivory Trade Trap. (21 January, 1998)

Wilderness Trust Hosts Scottish Dinner in Aid of Conservation. (20 January, 1998)

Oudtshoorn Ranch Saves Cheetahs from ManÆs Bullets. (20 January, 1998)

Cape Owl Gets New Home at Zoo. (17 January, 1998)

Orphaned Snakes Thrive in Pretoria Zoo. (16 January, 1998)

Footprints of our Forefathers at Risk. (16 January, 1998)

Mystery as Jukskei River Turns Rust-red. (16 January, 1998)

Shark Mauls Top SurferÆs Legs. (16 January, 1998)

Seekoeivlei Project in Free State Needs Money or It May Fail. (16 January, 1998)

World Conference on Birds of Prey and Owls. (16 January, 1998)

Breakthrough for Blue Cranes. (15 January, 1998)

Animal Lover Saves Injured Bird from Dam. (15 January, 1998)

Dozens Die in Bid to Cross Limpopo into SA. (15 January, 1998)

Limpopo Fish Study. (15 January, 1998)

Wetland Rehabilitation Stalled. (13 January, 1998)

Cycad Theft: Sandton Landscape Architect in Court. (13 January, 1998)

Rhino Poached in Kruger Park. (13 January, 1998)

Fund Onderstepoort "as a Top Priority". (13 January, 1998)

City Vets to Probe Cheetah Death Mystery. (12 January, 1998)

Two Mauled in Hippo, Leopard Attacks in Mpumalanga. (12 January, 1998)

Panda Triplets a First in Africa. (10 January, 1998)

Chance to Park off in the Bush. (10 January, 1998)

Illness Claims Famous Zoologist. (8 January, 1998)

Conservationists Angry over Killing of Shark. (7 January, 1998)

WhaleÆs Sight Restored in a "World First" Op. (7 January, 1998)

Calling upon all Cyclists to Help Save the Rhino. (7 January, 1998)

Access to Protected Areas of Natal Parks Board and Directorate of Nature Conservation. (5 January, 1998)














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